If the airline has FF agreements with other airlines, SSR FQTV is established with YY as the airline`s code. At the end of the transaction, this will be dissolved to create an FQTV SSR for each airline in the itinerary with an agreement with the cardholder. If this is not the case, an error message is displayed and the elements of the FQTV SSR are created only for airlines that have agreements. If the airline that holds a card does not have FF agreements with other airlines, only an SSR FQTV element will be created using the airline code in the entry. You may not want to create an SSR FQTV element for each of these airlines, z.B because the passenger wants to collect miles for more than one FF system as part of this route. In this case, you can indicate which airlines the passenger has accumulated miles on as part of the FFA entry. For example, enter FFA6X-MIA0002A,6X,7X.

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