4.1 No competition. Unless the Board of Directors has given the contrary authorization, management may not, during management`s tenure, put title deeds (records or benefits) on or in any other way; any business, company, partnership, owner or other business operating in a county, city or part of it in the United States and/or a foreign country, in a company that, directly or indirectly (as defined by the board of directors), competes with the company`s activities in a county, city or part of it, as long as the company or the rightful persons of the business of legal value in that region, such or such a party, are in competition with the company`s activities in a county, city or part of it; Provided, however, that the executive may hold, directly or indirectly, securities of an entity traded on a national stock exchange if the executive (x) is not a controlling person or a member of a group that controls that unit; or (y) not, directly or indirectly, one per cent (1%) or more than one class of securities of such a company. The customs clause is generally very well negotiated. Instead of a simple list of to-do listed, a solid work plan for executives should define executive responsibilities with about 2.2 Bonuses. In addition to the base salary, the Executive receives a quarterly bonus of 25% (25%) during each quarter of the company`s business. Management`s quarterly base salary (the “goal bonus”), set solely at the discretion of the board of directors, on the company`s fundamental objectives and/or specific objectives to be defined by the board of directors. The Board of Directors has the exclusive authority to determine the amount of the bonus, if any, for a given quarter. The leader must be deployed on the day a bonus is awarded to qualify for the bonus. Bonus amounts may be assessed for the partial quarterly service, as determined by the Board at its sole discretion. While not exhaustive, an executive should carefully consider how the following ten important considerations are dealt with in his employment contract: whether the termination takes place for or without cause, it will affect certain obligations that the parties have in the event of termination of the agreement. For example, the company is generally liable to management for a severance package after termination without cause and it may be more difficult to apply a non-competition clause for no reason.

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