Another common element of licensing agreements is the party that retains control over copyrights, patents or trademarks. Many contracts also contain a provision on territorial rights or distribution in different parts of the country or the world. In addition to the various clauses included in the licensee protection agreements, some licensees may add their own requirements. They may insist on the guarantee that the licensee owns, for example, the property`s property rights, or they may insert a clause prohibiting the licensee from directly competing with the property granted in certain markets. There are many ways for the licensee to obtain compensation for a licence. You may decide to offer the licence in exchange for a fixed fee, a royalty based on the revenue generated by the technology, a combination of a “royalty” and an ongoing “royalty,” or the taker may grant equity to the taker`s company. To avoid any surprises, you should keep in mind that most licensing agreements also deal with the theme of quality. For example, the licensee may enter into the contract conditions that require the purchaser to provide prototypes of the product, mockups of the packaging and even occasional samples for the duration of the contract. Of course, the best form of quality control is usually achieved before the fact – by carefully checking the reputation of the licensee. Another common quality provision in licensing agreements is the method of disposing of unsold products. If stock items are sold as cheap knockoffs, this can damage the licensee`s reputation in the market. In ognuna delle tre category sopra indicate pu rientrare, diversamente combinata nel contratto, la vecchia forma della cessione di licenze e patentti. Il diritto di propriet sulla tecnologia, la cui natura di bene privato, pu essere scambiato sulla base di un accordo asimmetrico (come le licenze di produzione), a seconda delle caratteristiche del mercato di destinazione.

Sempre per Capello e Pompili la distinzione tra conoscenza e propriet utile per individuare simmetrie (equity) ed asimmetrie (non equity) negli accordi. “Altri accordi di cooperazione industriale internazionale tra imprese”: si possono includere in essi diversi possibili “pacchetti” contrattuali non equity, che configurano rapporti di collaborazione tra imprese di paesi a diverso grado di sviluppo, prolungati nel tempo e prevae orientati a servire il mercato Possiamo includere in tale categoria le forniture di interi complessi produttivi “chiavi in mano” o “prodotto in mano,” integrate da accordi di assistenza tecnica e di formazione del personale, o da contractti di management e di franchising.

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