ACS Author University is a series of videos and articles from our editorial community on advice on scientific writing, funding guarantee, refusal and much more. Learn how to publish from the inside out. Magazine titles are abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Summary Source of Service Index (CASSI). Authors should consult Chapter 14 of the ACS Style Guide to find the appropriate style that can be used in patent, conference and other citations. Quote documents that are in preparation or have been submitted, but have not yet been accepted into the text as unpublished experiences or personal messages. Research article. Reports on initial research on chemical compounds. The emerging multidisciplinary areas will receive special support; However, the research presented in the journal should be hypothesized or hypothesis-based. No minimum length requirement is required for original shipments, as for ACS Omega content, traditionally considered letters or quick communications, as well as for complete articles, all fall into the category of research articles.

Publishers invite authors to explain their results concisely and accurately. Authors are encouraged to use support information. ACS Omega will publish research articles that describe negative results. These will include three main components: a valid hypothesis to answer a relevant scientific question, scientifically rigorous research and results that do not support the initial hypothesis. The results are negative, but may be important for researchers in this field or give rise to a new hypothesis. ACS Authoring Services offers high-quality services from specialized publishers that will help you prepare your manuscript for publication, regardless of which journal you choose for submission. Present your research and ideas to the best of your thest with ACS Authoring Services. ORCID iDs should not be entered into the manuscript. ACS only publishes ORCID iDs that were properly verified and linked before the manuscript was accepted. After connecting your iD ORCID, it will automatically be displayed in all manuscripts accepted later for all ACS magazines.

We do not publish ORCID iDs provided during proof review or other communications after the adoption of a manuscript for publication. All ACS newspapers and partner magazines have simplified their formatting requirements in favour of a standardized examination format optimized for a first presentation of manuscripts. To learn more about the requirements and benefits of authors and evaluators, click here. ACS Central Science is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes articles of outstanding quality and interest to chemistry and the scientific community. Very selective, efficient and totally open – at no cost to authors or readers – ACS Central Science has devoted itself to great research. Learn more about ACS Central Science While this document contains basic information on the preparation and presentation of the manuscript, as well as other important information about the publication, we also recommend authors visit the ACS Publishing Center to get more information on all that is needed to prepare (and verify) manuscripts for ACS magazines and partners , like z.B. We have developed ACS`s publishing and writing policy in agreement with the research communities we serve, including authors and librarians. Browse our guidelines below to learn more. For magazine articles published online before printing or only online, the DOI should be used: if your article is published in an ACS partner journal or journal, the authors concerned will receive a link offering up to 50 free digital impressions of the final book.

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